Thursday, January 3, 2013


When Curtis and I left to come back home in December, we knew that the return trip to bring David Maxim home would be delayed due to the holidays.  The reality of just how long it would be before he was actually home didn't really set in.  We said goodbye on December 14th.  We just received the "green light" to travel again a couple of days ago.  This time Curtis will be going by himself while I stay home and care for the kids as we prepare for David's arrival.

Curtis is headed back next week.  If everything goes smoothly, they should be home in about 2 1/2 weeks from now!  Wow, this is really happening.....

Many of you have contacted and shared how you have been praying and sowing into this adoption.  It has been amazing to see how complete strangers have gathered around us.  THANK YOU.

We were contacted by a wonderful family that has offered a matching grant to help close the gap in our fundraising.  They are wanting to donate $500!!  We have UNTIL JANUARY 8TH to meet it.  For for EVERY $1 DONATED HERE it will automatically be DOUBLED.  Once our grant reaches $17,204.91 we will have reached the grant.

Why are we still fundraising.....didn't we meet our goal before we traveled?  Yes we did.  You can read about what happened here.

We are only $1,868 away from meeting our expenses.  Once the matching grant has been matched and donated, we will be under the $1K mark before leaving next week.  This would be huge.

Please pray, share, blog, tweet........

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